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Nonprofit Resources

Candid Learning - The Foundation Center is the most authoritative source of information on private philanthropy in the United States. The Foundation Center helps grantseekers, grantmakers, researchers, policymakers, the media, and the general public better understand the field of philanthropy. Their website is designed to guide you quickly to the information you are looking for—instruction on funding research, help with proposal writing, tools for locating prospective funders, news and research on the field, or a library or training class near you. Poudre River Public Library District/Front Range Community College Harmony Library is a Foundation Center Funding Information Network Partner.

Foundation Center Network Funding Partner (brochure)

Foundation Directory Online by Candid - Essential - FDO is the nation's leading online resource for finding potential funders. Updated weekly, Foundation Directory Online provides details of more than 250,000 U.S. foundations and corporate donors, over 3 million recent grants, and over 500,000 key decision makers. Available on-site at Harmony Library and Old Town Library.

Foundation Grants to Individuals Online by Candid - FGI is a database of nearly 10,000 foundation and public charity programs that fund students, artists, researchers, and other individual grantseekers. Available on-site at Harmony Library and Old Town Library. - is the clearinghouse for information about government grants. If you are applying for ANY federal government grant, you must register and file through

Grantsmanship Center - For private and public nonprofits, offers training and publications to help organizations plan solid programs, write logical, compelling grant proposals and create earned income opportunities. Membership organization.

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