Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance - Covers ethical standards, news, reports, on charities and other soliciting organizations. The site provides the mission/purpose of each organization, some financial information, and whether they meet BBB standards.
Charity Navigator - Your guide to intelligent giving. Since 2001, we've been empowering millions of donors by providing them with free access to data, tools, and resources to guide philanthropic decision-making. With more than 160,000 nonprofits rated, our ratings show charitable givers/ social investors how efficiently we believe a charity will use their support today, how well it has sustained its programs and services over time, and their level of commitment to good governance, best practices, and openness with information.
GuideStar - A national database of U.S. charitable organizations that gathers and distributes data on more than 850,000 IRS-recognized nonprofits. You can search the nonporofit organization database at no cost by doing a Quick Search. You can also register your nonprofit and have access to various reports and features. Fee-based services include full-featured searches of the GuideStar database, and access to the Grant Explorer, a database of funders that contains information on more than 34,000of the nation's largest private foundations.
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