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Art and Music

Denver Art Museum - Explore the Denver Art Museum's collection online with a searchable and browseable database of photographs and descriptions of pieces owned by the museum.

Smithsonian American Art Museum - The Smithsonian has one of the largest collections of American Art in the world. Their website lets you explore the various art and artists in their collection.

Biography - A guide to the archives of A&E's show "Biography," this will help you find information about famous people from yesterday and today.

Infoplease Biographies - Find biographies of famous people, living and from the past, in this helpful resource.

Presidents - This site offers extensive information about all the United States Presidents.

Environmental Studies

Endangered Species - A site that gives extremely thorough, quality information on listed U.S. and international endangered and extinct species, provided by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Services - Use the global climate dashboard to see worldwide variations and changes. Find articles, links, and ideas for projects and reports on climate and climate change.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Program - Migratory birds are some of nature’s most magnificent resources. They have a significant role in the health of the environment, economy, and culture in the U.S. and internationally. Learn important facts about these important members of our ecosystem.

United Nations Climate Change Information - For high school and college students, this site provides comprehensive articles on global warming. The topics focus on the causes of climate change and the role of humans in causing it.

Foreign Languages

Babel Fish Translation - Translate text from English into a choice of eight foreign languages in a flash!


Congressional Research Service Reports - The content of these excellent reports from the U.S. State Department on various subjects of your choice (by date, region, topic, newest information) is appropriate for high school through college students researching economics, energy, the environment, law, world issues, and much more.

Databases - Finish that report on time using newspaper, magazine, and encyclopedia articles from the library's online databases (most are accessible from home).

High School Ace - The academic web page of high school students! It's a good place for homework, test preparation and general research. It also includes a Reference Desk section, SAT questions, college information and more.


Countries of the World - Each "Country Profile" provides information on: geography; maps; flags; history; current ruler; area; population; capitol; largest cities; languages; ethnicity/race; religion; literacy rate; economy; and government.

Test Your Geography Knowledge - Find out how much you know about the United States, other individual countries and continents, and even the whole world.

World Factbook - The World Factbook, produced for US policymakers and coordinated throughout the US Intelligence Community, marshals facts on every country, dependency, and geographic entity in the world. We share this information with the people of all nations in the belief that knowledge of the truth underpins the functioning of free societies. The Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities


Ben's Guide to U.S. Government - Middle school through senior high students can find just about anything you need to know about our government here, including details about our election process, how our government is organized, historical documents, and much more. Games and activities are added to test your knowledge.

iCivics: The Democracy Lab - iCivics is designed to teach you about civics and inspire you to be active participants in our democracy. This web site shows the way!

Project Vote Smart - Find out all kinds of important information about voting and learn how elected officials stand on issues such as affirmative action, abortion, and health care.

State Legislatures, State Laws, State Statutes - This site gives links to states' homepages for government information as well as access to laws and statutes when available online, provided by the Law Librarians Association of Washington, DC.

Health & Safety

Addiction Resource: Understanding Addiction - Whether you are doing research for a school project on drugs and addiction, you need help and information yourself, or you are struggling to find assistance for a friend or family member, this is the place to find what you need.

American Cancer Society - Presents a wide variety of information about different kinds of cancer along with tips for prevention and staying healthy in general. Good for reports as well as for personal advice and help for family, friends, and yourself.

American Lung Association-Stop Smoking - Plenty of information on tobacco for reports as well as for personal help to stop smoking.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Resources - There are a lot of organizations dedicated to raising awareness about the abuse of drugs and alcohol, and you can learn all about the facts, figures, and realities of these two substances from this highly relevant and information-filled website.

Rehab Help for Teens - Teens looking for a resource about drug and/or alcohol abuse will find plenty of information here for school projects or for personal use.

Tobacco Free Life - Whether you need to quit smoking yourself, want to encourage a friend or family member to do so, or just need information for a school project on this topic, this is the place to find what you need.

WebMD Health - If you have a report to do on the human body, a disease, injury, or condition, you'll find the details at this helpful site.


America's Historical Documents Archive - Find information about and pictures of important historical documents at this site.

Ancient Greek World - Get information about daily life, economy, time periods, religion and mythology, athletics, death, and more, with good graphics illustrating life in ancient Greece.

Famous Speeches in History - Contains a huge collection of speeches from throughout history plus access to hearing the speeches given or read.

Salem Witch Museum - Discover historical details about the witch trials, Roger Conant and the town of Salem itself.

Time Capsule - Did you ever wonder what the newspaper headlines were on the day you were born? This site will tell you that and other facts about your special day (or other days) in history. Just type in the date, with year, and click on Quick Page.


Calculus Page - Everything the calculus student needs to know, from solving problems to taking exams to finding links for further information.

Cool Math - Get information on and help with prealgebra, algebra, precalculus, and calculus. There are also puzzles, games, a calculator, and a Math Survival Guide.

Geometry Center - Provides lessons, puzzles, articles, experiments, and activities, many interactive, for the Geometry student.

Online Conversion - Need to make any kind of mathematical converstion? This resource will help you to do it, simply and easily.

Virtual Nerds - Real math help for middle school math through Algebra 2 and Geometry.

Mythology and Folklore

Mythweb - This fun site is devoted to the heroes, gods and monsters of Greek mythology. There are links for further or additional information.

Theoi Greek Mythology - The Theoi Project is a site exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art. The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion.

Research and Study Tools

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations - Includes more than 11,000 famous quotations, searchable by subject, author, and title.

Citation Machine - Here is an interactive tool to create bibliography entries in MLA or APA format. Plug in the source info and copy and paste into your bibliography.

InfoPlease Homework Center - Get help with a variety of school subjects, doing research and writing, studying skills, and lots more! - YourDictionary is a free online dictionary and much more. The free dictionary search gives you definitions, thesaurus entries, spelling, pronunciation, and etymology results for your word. Alternatively, you can browse the English dictionary alphabetically or by related terms to find meanings and synonyms. In addition, YourDictionary provides resources to help you find the best dictionary and translation sites for French, Spanish, Italian, German and hundreds of other languages.


(Nine) 8 Planets - This website is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of the planets, moons and other objects in our solar system. Each page has Bill Arnett's text and NASA's images, some have sounds and movies, most provide references to additional related information.

Chemical - An interactive periodic table of the elements that is great for your Chemistry homework!

Chemistry Resources for Students and Teachers - Interested in chemistry? Try this interactive site!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology - If you are researching birds, look no further than this amazing web page. You will find current information on anything related to birds and their place in our world.

Exploratorium: Hands-On Activities - This site is a great resource to learn about science and to locate science experiments and activities.

Fear of Physics - If you need help with your Physics homework, you'll find it here. Also, physics is explained using interactive video and understandable definitions.

Green Fuel Online - Learn how "green" and renewable energy sources are the key to slowing climate change and global warming. Explore the industries of solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric and more.

NASA Space Place - Find answers to your questions about space, whether it be our solar system or beyond at this fun, interactive web site. There is lots of information, plus puzzles, games, videos, and pictures.

National Resources Defense Council - Learn about environmental issues and approaches to solving them through the NRDC's website, which discusses curbing global warming, developing clean energy, and pollution prevention among other issues.

National Weather Service - US satellite images, weather forecasts, air quality, radar, severe weather alerts, and plenty more information about our weather can be found at this fascinating web site.

NOVA - Get access to articles, audio slide shows, audio stories, expert questions & answers, interactive segments, interviews, program videos, quizzes, timelines, and video shorts all related to this outstanding science TV series.

Ocean Explorer - Are you doing a report or project on the ocean, or are you simply interested in learning all sorts of cool things about it? Then this is the web page for you, loaded with information and links. Physics & Astronomy Online - This award-winning website provides excellent comprehensive information in the areas of physics and astronomy.

Science Bob - “Science Bob” Pflugfelder is a science teacher, author, maker, and presenter that knows how to share the world of science like never before. On his website, he provides instructions and videos for interactive science experiments and plenty of information and links about any and all science topics. Useful for science fair and class projects and experiments, as well as for general Science interest.

Science Buddies - Doing a science fair project? You've come to the right place! This website has plenty of information to get you started on completing an amazing project!

Science Fair Project Resource Guide - This useful site will explain why science fair projects are important, and best of all it gives a list of links to help you discover the very best project for your needs and interests.

SciJinks - Need information about weather; hurricanes and storms; clouds, water and ice; tides and oceans; atmosphere; seasons; satellites and technology; and space weather? Here is the place to find it! Find history, a place to print free posters, and even pose a question to an expert and have it answered.

Steve Spangler Science - The materials featured on this site were selected because of they are effective for classroom projects and they help students who are trying to make sense out of science. Especially good for science fair or other science class projects.

Social Issues

National Criminal Justice Reference Service - Contains information on all aspects of criminal justice, substance abuse, law enforcement, courts, and corrections.

World Bank, Working for a World Free of Poverty - Gives extensive facts, figures, and a wide variety of other information to help understand and reduce poverty around the world.

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